About - MicroBinfie Podcast


The podcast

Microbial Bioinformatics is a rapidly changing field marrying computer science and microbiology. Join us as we share some tips and tricks we’ve learnt over the years. If you’re student just getting to grips to the field, or someone who just wants to keep tabs on the latest and greatest - this podcast is for you.

The hosts

Nabil-Fareed Alikhan

Image Bioinformatician with @andrewjpage

Lee Katz

Image Public health bioinformatics scientist. Author of Mashtree, Lyve-SET, Fasten, and others. Podcaster. Statements here are my only voice and not of my employer.

Andrew Page

Image Head of Informatics at @theQuadram, currently doing SARS-CoV-2 genomics/bioinformatics. Wrote Roary/Gubbins/SNP-sites etc.Views my own.