MicroBinfie Podcast, 61 Non FUNGIble tokens you too can own BRCA1 - MicroBinfie Podcast

MicroBinfie Podcast, 61 Non FUNGIble tokens you too can own BRCA1

We look at the crazy world of NFTs (non fungible tokens) and blockchain and explore in a light hearted way how they could be used in genomics and bioinformatics. We propose a way of replacing all the central genome databases and our own cryptocurrency (BioBucks or maybe GenomeCoin). Myriad genetics SCOTUS decision - https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/12pdf/12-398_1b7d.pdf Planet money episode on patenting a gene - https://www.npr.org/transcripts/937167323 Beeple - https://www.theverge.com/2021/3/11/22325054/beeple-christies-nft-sale- cost-everydays-69-million Make NFT - https://www.coindesk.com/how-to- create-buy-sell-nfts